
Love Bugs : Gummy Worm Valentine

When it came to choosing a Valentine to give, Maisy was only concerned about one thing-- the candy. I showed her several fun ideas on Pinterest for DIY Valentines (here) and the one she picked had gummy worms!

After seeing this idea on Pinterest, I searched  for this "Love Bug" Valentine printable to download. But I couldn't find it! So, I just made my own printable. Today, I tracked down the original source-- credit for this adorable idea goes completely to Dandee-Designs and The Better Martha. Thank you to those ladies for their creativity. 

The idea of this gummy worm Valentine is to make it look like a little mason jar filled with worms (aka 'love bugs'). To do this, I filled small plastic baggies from Hobby Lobby (these are about 4 inches long by 3 inches wide) with 4 or 5 gummy worms.

Then I printed the "Love Bug" Valentine on red construction paper and cut around the jars. I used an "x acto" knife to cut the hole in the middle. And since we are in love with washi tape around here, I used two pieces of tape to hold it in place on top of the baggie.

You could also slip the printable directly into the baggie like this from The Better Martha
Via The Better Martha
Below is the printable I made. 
Just drag it onto your desktop and print on your favorite card stock or construction paper!

And if you prefer 'no candy' Valentines, just fill your baggies with plastic bugs like this from Dandee-Designs!
Via Dandee-Designs
Your little Valentine will love passing out "Love Bugs" to their friends at school :)

* See our free DIY Frozen Valentine featuring Olaf by clicking here.

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