Welcome to Week 39
The Cowgirl Up! Link Party!
1 Party, 4 Blogs
Your Host this week is . . .

I've been super busy lately. One reason is that we just bought a new place close to Mr. CH's office and are building a new house. If you missed the post, you can find it here. It will look something like the one below. I'm pinning like crazy, so if you want to see my inspiration boards, you can find the one for the house here and the kitchen one here.
This should keep me busy for awhile. I started to say "out of trouble" but I"m not sure that would be accurate! Case in point, Mr. CH has already asked in an accusing sort of way if I was going to start buying stuff for the new house now, although it won't be ready until April or May. I said, "Of course not," exasperated that he would ask such a ridiculous question... I mean.... the nerve!!! I continued, "The new house won't be ready for months, and we don't have room to store anything extra." (To quote George from Seinfeld, "It's not a lie, if YOU believe it.") And I did believe it... at the time, but to date I have purchased one large mirror, a console and a bookcase for the new house, and maybe a few other things. #slappingmyownhand.
Here are the features for this week...
Betsy from Coastal Colors found an easy way to transfer a graphic to wood.
If you were featured, please grab the featured button from my button page

Now about the party...
You link up on my blog and your link shows up on four blogs.
More exposure, less time.
We are looking for the latest and greatest projects, tutorials, ideas, crafts, recipes, decor, and inspiring stories. Anything that you are proud to show off.
Cowgirl Up! is the link party that saves you time and brings you inspiration. Doesn't get any easier than that!
What blogs will your link appear on? Check us out below!
The four of us are all Texas bloggers, but you don't have to be Texas, country, western, or own horses to participate in Cowgirl Up! You just need that "can-do", cowgirl spirit!