Blogging is such an interesting hobby. When I started, back in 2010, I had no big plans for my blog. I hoped people would come visit. I hoped that maybe, somehow, I could make a little money from it, but mostly I just wanted to write about things I was passionate about. There was no
Pinterest or
Hometalk. I didn't know about
Facebook pages for blogs,
Craftgawker, I just wrote about projects I did and made collections of ideas I liked.
Now just four years later, things have changed SO much in the blogging world. Blogs have turned into mini-magazines. Bloggers are taking amazing photos, editing, writing, and promoting like professionals. They are creating amazing videos for YouTube and working with commercial brands and media consultants. They are getting books deals, television shows, and more. The idea of a 'mom blogger' just doing something at home, randomly snapping pics, posting them to a little blog and becoming famous is a fairytale-- if not an outward lie.
Now, not only does a successful blogger need to create great content accompanied by professional photography, they need to know how to get it out there. It's kind of like the 'if you build it, they will come' idea. But with the internet-- they won't
just come, you have to lead the readers to you. Highly successful blogs spend more time promoting their work than actually creating it. Bloggers are scheduling posts, pins, and tweets (and the big blogs hire others to do this for them or work in a network of friends who consistantly promote each others work.) Social media sites have become a major part of a blogger's life.
Maybe that is part of the reason blogging can be so frustrating. You make a great project, take the best possible photos and you send it into the world. And sometimes, that's as far as it goes. The best case scenario, it goes viral on Pinterest and you get a ton of traffic. But even after a few days, that high quiets down and you need more. You need another post, a more unique idea.
More likes, more followers, more pins... It really is quite crazy! There are SO many people that do it so well and so many who are inspired by those ideas. After awhile, it all starts to look the same. And the part that makes me sad, is those who are doing the hard, creative work get very little compensation in return. Can you imagine doing a job that takes up hours of time and so much room in your heart-- for a few free products or a small amount of ad revenue? Can you imagine calculating your worth by the number of people who click that 'thumbs up' icon on facebook? As someone who has done it--- I can tell you, it's ridiculous!
Can anyone relate to this feeling? LOL. |
But if you love sharing your passion, you are determined, and have free time-- there are a lot of fun parts to blogging ;) I have met amazing people, gotten some really cool free stuff, and felt the joy that comes from others appreciating and admiring your work. I have also learned that the best way for me to keep my mind in a 'rationale state' is not worry about the other parts. I just focus on doing the creative parts and let the rest (like the promoting and linking up at a million parties) go. I try to keep it light, keep it easy.
With that said, if you are blogging and loving it-- run with it! Success isn't always measured in dollars or page views. Write, create, and do your thing. And if you want to share your posts, below you can find my favorite sources for great traffic.
Because if you write it, you want someone to read it! (And if you read blogs, make sure to 'like', 'share' or 'pin' your favorite bloggers work. That's the ONLY way they ever get compensated!)
Are you a blogger? What has been the best part of blogging? And what has been the worst?

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