Which explains why I have no photos of the process of making the aprons.
We were too busy talking and fussing around in my craft room.
I used to be in my craft room all the time. I spent a few hours each day in there. I had a clothing and accessory line (see it here). The accessories were mainly made in that little room. Early mornings, hot afternoons, and late evenings. I lived in that room.
I put all that aside awhile back (see more here). And when I did, I literally shut myself off from my craft room. It hurt to go back in there and see all the makings of my small business dream (read about it here)all washed up-- my creativity now packed into boxes and shoved in to the corner. I started to use that room as 'walk-in' storage. I stacked boxes and bags on the craft table. I covered my sewing machine. I closed the door and refused to clean, organize or even work in that room.
Yet they tell me happy stories of 'Remember when you made headbands for me and my friends?' 'Remember when I would sit on your lap and sew?'. 'Remember when I played Barbies under this table and we talked while you worked?'.
I guess I didn't realize that all the time I spent in that craft room, they spent right there with me. They grew up a little bit among bolts of fabric, yards of tulle and spools of thread. They have really joyful memories of all those moments.
Now, summer is here. We have time. And today, we used that time to make our own pattern from a piece of blank white paper and then sew American Girl Doll Aprons.
You can see the tutorial and detailed directions for making a doll apron here. "Strictly-Homemade" has a great post with easy to follow steps for making a 18 inch doll apron :)
And when you look at this picture of my girls, maybe you can see it. See what I am starting to see. That kids don't care about finished products or the success of a small business. They just really want to spend time with their mom. So whatever it is that you do (craft, bake, read, nap, walk, sew, work etc) - as long as you are with them, it is a moment in time your child will look back on with joy and love.

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