My husband has really been itching to tile something. So the other day, he smashed up our laundry room floor. Literally-- cracking tile with a sledge hammer. Removing all the tile. Then sanding down the cement to make it smooth.
The tile he removed was a bit dated, it was from the original owners who built the house in 1997. And since he has wanted to try his hand at tile work, the laundry room seems a great place 'to learn'. And nothing makes my guy happier than a little home renovation.
After he was done, he looked to me to pick out the tile. And for some reason, I have been a bit indecisive. There are so many beautiful ideas for tile...
Neutral Tile- Clean and Simple
Dark Tile- For a more 'Rustic' Look
Multi-Colored Natural Tiles add a lot of dimension.
And if I were to get really crazy-- wouldn't Stripes be lovely?! (These aren't all in a laundry room, but I can imagine it might be easier to do laundry on a fun floor!)
I am missing the source on this one- sorry! |
I need help! I might just let my hubby pick it out. What tile do you like best?

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