Afton and I decided to make an appetizer in the shape of 2017 to bring to the party. It was delicious, but once it was baked--- it was huge. Like the size of a dining room table. I didn't have a tray to display it, so I crammed it in glass casserole dishes. Which distorted the numbers we had worked so hard to create. Kind of a Pinterest fail. (I didn't even photograph the end result.) But at least it tasted good. Next time, I would do it with pinwheels that did not require baking. And I would have made the pinwheels smaller. Click here for the recipe I used-- in case you want to try it. Just don't make giant numbers with it!
We also brought a jar of Hershey Kisses to the party-- this is the best was to give everyone a kiss at midnight. :)
At 12 am, we toasted each other with champagne and blew our party horns in excitement. It is 2017, the start of something new!
The New Year is confusing to me. So much hoopla about the chance to start something new. But do you ever feel like you don't know WHAT to do. I mean, what is this NEW THING we are supposed to be doing? Eat healthy, loose weight, get off social media, pursue a new passion?
What if we are just happy with life as it is? Is that ok too? What if my resolution is to just 'keep on trucking'?
We spent the rest of the weekend outside with our girls. The January weather has been kind to us so far. We climbed rocks, walked with sticks, looked into murky waters, and gathered leaves. 2017 doesn't feel different than 2016. I don't feel different. And I don't want anything to change.
So it's a New Year. It's 2017. Now what?

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