
Snowing on the Sun & Whole Wheat Peanut Butter Cookies

Living in Texas is a lot like living on the Sun. The summers are scorching hot. And the other seasons... are pretty much non-existent. I am not complaining, I really do prefer to warm. I am not used to being cold and I don't own much cold weather gear. (Besides the random gloves I bought at the Dollar Spot at Target and my collection of cute plaid scarves that every girl seems to own.) So we were all surprised to get a dusting of snow on January 6th.

All over the country, people are getting real snow. The kind that has to be shoveled and plowed. Here in Texas, we got the kind that is like powdered sugar on a chocolate cake. Light, airy and short-lived. At school, the teachers bundled up all the kids and took them outside so they could catch snowflakes on their tongues. They held out black paper so the tiny flakes could be observed. Several students were surprised that the flakes had such intricate designs. "I thought they would just be round circles" they said. Bless their hearts. We know about heat. We don't know snow.

Before the girls got home from school, I prepped cookies and cocoa. I figured this might be my only chance to welcome my girls home in middle of a snowy afternoon and I wanted to do it right.

We were out of white flour, so I was left with whole wheat flour for my cookies. I am not really a 'whole wheat' cookie kind of mom. But luckily I found a good recipe online. The peanut butter went well with the whole wheat flour. It has more flavor and texture than white flour, and it made for a good chewy, moist peanut butter cookie.

Whole Wheat Peanut Butter Cookies
(This recipe is via Baking Bites)
-1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
-1/2 tsp baking soda
-1/2 tsp baking powder
-1/4 tsp salt
-1/2 cup butter, room temperature
-1/2 cup brown sugar
-1/2 cup sugar
-1 large egg
-1/2 cup peanut butter (smooth)
-1 tsp vanilla extract

We rolled the dough into balls. Then baked them at 375 for 8-10 minutes. As soon as we pulled them out, we added Hershey kiss to the center. Yum! More detailed instructions at Baking Bites.

After cookies and cocoa, the girls played outside until their hands ached and their cheeks were rosy. We are not used to such cold temperatures and those little Target gloves didn't hold up well to snowballs.

The snow lasted one day. And three days later... it's 60 degrees. We like living on the Sun. But we did enjoy our brief taste of winter.

PS- No snow where you live either? Make your own! This is a super easy "snow" recipe. Mix 1/2 cup hair conditioner (we used the Suave brand) with 3 cups of baking soda. The result is a smooth "snow dough". Perfect for packing into snowballs, building snowmen etc. Fun for all ages :) 

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