
Are You the Sewing Type?

Are you the sewing-type? Maybe yes, maybe no. I learned to sew on a paper napkin. My hubby and I were living in New Orleans and had only been married a short time. I was just getting into the hobby of home décor. And of course my eyes were bigger than my budget. We had bought a new home and I was slowly decorating my way through the rooms. I badly wanted curtains. But I couldn’t bear to part with the money. 

Source: google.com via Samantha on Pinterest

My friend Val was amazing with a sewing machine. Her home boasted custom drapes, ruffled bed skirts and plush duvet covers. All made with her very own hands. One day she was kind enough to show me the art of sewing. I will never forget running a purple paper napkin through her Brother sewing machine. It was like magic. Amazingly simple—creating something out of nothing. I was sewing!!

After that she let me take her Brother home for the weekend. And over the next two days, my first curtains were born. Nothing fancy, just a few valances. But my home felt transformed. That year my mother-in-law bought me my first sewing machine- a Kenmore.

Since then I have had a love/hate relationship with sewing. There have been times when the machine and I were perfect partners. Working at a steady pace to easily create embellished burp cloths, rectangular panels, and sweet a-line dresses for my girls.

But more often than not, I have fought with my machine. If you sew than you know what I am talking about. My machine has an alter ego. Simple and helpful, yet devious and malicious. Broken needles, uncooperative bobbins, snapped threads, and tricky tension settings. There were several times when a project that should take only 30-minutes has been stretched out over hours. I have yelled, stormed-off and even cried. 

Source: etsy.com via Samantha on Pinterest

But for some reason, I always come back. And in the end, my patience has been rewarded. I am not a stellar sewer. I won’t be making my daughters’ prom dresses. But I am able to mend, work with a pattern and create some fun things for my family. I have learned that even the most talented seamstresses have ‘bad sewing days’. And like any hobby-- practice and time lead to success.

So are you the sewing type? If not, take a chance. For less than $100 you can get your own machine. Surprisingly, a lot can be learned just by trying-- and of course reading the directions!

Now here is a little motivation. A great project for sewers of all skill levels.  Make your own funky camera strap, perfect for all those big, black DSLR cameras. This tutorial will fit most standard 2-inch camera straps.

Craft a Funky Camera Strap Cover
Supplies Needed:
-funky fabric
-coordinating thread
-fusible interfacing

1. Cut two straps 2.75” wide by 27” long.

2. Sew the strips, right sides together and then press the seam open.

3. Line the inside with Pellon fusible light fleece interfacing. You need about 5.5"by 27". This step could be eliminated, but it adds a little padding to the strap and makes it softer. Just iron on the fusible interfacing according to directions, and trim off any excess.

4. Fold the end in about one inch, and then again over one inch to hide the seam and make a nice finish.

5.  I sewed two lines about a ¼ inch apart. I liked the look of the detail and it makes the ends sturdier.

6. Repeat with the other end. The completed strap, after the ends are finished, will be about 23 inches long.

7. Sew right sides together with a .25 -.5 inch seam allowance. You want to leave enough room so the strap sides on easily.

8. Now turn your strap cover inside out, iron it and you’re done.

Want a few embellishments? I chose to add a ruffle because ruffles make everything better. I also added a small loop of elastic ribbon- it is perfect for holding my lens cap.

If you still aren’t sure about becoming a sewer, at least make friends with one. This project is too cute to skip! 

This article was originally shared at SouthlakeMoms.com
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  1. Oh I am so very inspired by this post. I've been trying to do everything by hand because I didn't think I had enough skills to invest into a sewing machine. Is there a beginnger brand that you could recommend?

  2. Thanks for this. I just made myself one and will be posting it and a link to your blog.

  3. Thanks for reading! I love my Kenmore, but I know lots of people who sew with the Brother as well. If you make a strap, send me the photo. I would love to see it!

  4. I have been sewing for 20 years. Nothing intense, but I have discovered that a brother sewing machine is the bomb! I have had a kenmore, singer and now I own two brothers. I love them both.


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:) Samantha

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