
Luau Party - DIY Decorations

My girl and I are heading to cheer camp soon. The camp is three days long and hosted at a local hotel. The girls will work on skills, stunts, team-building and have lots of fun. And I get to go along as a chaperone! One of the 'unofficial jobs' of a cheer camp chaperone is to decorate the room. Which as you know-- is right up my alley! The theme we chose is "Tropical"-- so think of a luau with a tiki hut, palm trees, and lots of pineapples.

 I am working with two other moms who are also chaperones for our team. We have been busy crafting, shopping and planning for this camp. Needless to say, I have loved it! We got lots of inspiration for the decor from Pinterest and Oriental Trading.

This balloon arch from Oriental Trading?! Amazing! 
My portion of the 'room decor project' was to make giant pineapple heads for the windows. Think the girls will like these? I made them from poster board and cut out the glasses, bows, and lips with my Cricut.

I was born in Hawaii and have always had a thing for pineapples. I am thrilled they have become so trendy this summer!
This pineapple is made from spoons! (Photo credit Oriental Trading) 
Fun idea for drinks! Pineapple everything. (Photo credit Oriental Trading) 
The other moms are working on palm trees for the door and lots of cute tropical accessories. Oriental Trading has so many Luau themed items. The website is an easy-go-to for party planning! (If you haven't seen the Oriental Trading "Luau Decorating Ideas" page- check it out, the ideas are adorable.)

Paper lantern jelly fish (Photo credit Oriental Trading) 
Paper lantern fish (Photo credit Oriental Trading) 

Giant tissue paper flowers.  (Photo credit Oriental Trading) 
Crepe Paper & Balloon Palm Trees  (Photo credit Oriental Trading) 
Drink umbrellas turned into a wreath. (Photo credit Oriental Trading) 
Festive decorations make everything better! I will post some pics from cheer camp of our room decorations on Instagram & Facebook. Stay tuned :) 

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