You can see my post last year, about my crawfish cakes, by clicking here. This year, I modified the recipe a bit. The cake mix that I used was super moist and fluffy. So the cakes were less dense. For that reason, I only made them 'one layer'. Then I added a twizzler that was cut in half for the claws and pipped on some icing to hold it all together. The best part? The Wilton candy eyes and these big sprinkles. They give my crawfish dessert a little 'crunch'.
The girls had fun playing with the real crawfish before they were cooked.
And after the boiling was done? Well they tried a few and then washed them down with my crawfish cakes. (The Dads had no problem eating the real crawfish though!)
Have you ever been to a crawfish boil? Will you eat crawfish or are you a weenie like me? :)
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