
Rustic "Days til Christmas" Sign

I don't have my Christmas decor up yet. I like to wait until after Thanksgiving. Then we put it up and enjoy it through New Years. So right now, I have a chance to get a head start on my Christmas crafting.

I am working with Michaels again to share my 'spin' on a Christmas craft. I took their "Christmas Decor" quiz and from looking at the photos, I am definitely a 'rustic' girl who likes a bit of 'glam' too. Which style do you identify most with?

Michaels is hosting a "Pinterest" party at all of their stores on Saturday, Nov 15th from 1-4pm. You can pop into your local store and try any of their Pinterest-Inspired Christmas Projects.

I loved the Count Down to Christmas plate idea. But wanted to make it more 'rustic'. So I shopped my Michaels and found some great supplies to make a Count Down to Christmas plate- with a rustic twist.

 Want to make your own Rustic Count Down to Christmas?

Here's what you will need:
-Black Chalkboard paint
-White Chalk Paint (Martha Stewart)
-Stencils (Martha Stewart)

1. Paint your wood with the black chalkboard paint. Let dry.

2. Use the stencils to write "Days Til Christmas". This took a few attempts. I used white chalk paint, so when I wasn't happy with the way it looked on my first try, I just used a wet sponge to wipe it away and start again.

3. Let the count down begin!

Pop on over to your local Michaels November 15th from 1-4pm  and have fun crafting!

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