1. Braided Buns- Make two high pig tails and secure with elastics. Braid each pony tail and add an elastic at the end of each one. Then wrap the braid around the base of the pony tail and bobby pin into place.
2. Hippy Chic- Comb hair straight and part. Use 'apparel trim' from Hobby Lobby or JoAnns to make a hippy headband. Wrap around the forehead, cut to size and tie. Keep the ends of the trim from fraying by heat sealing with a lighter. Once it is tied, don't untie it-- if the headband comes off during the day (you know when you are hanging upside down on the monkey bars or something) just slip it back on!
3. Headband Braid- Make two high pig tails. Braid each pony tail and add an elastic at the end of each one. Cross braids over the top of the head, like a headband. Use bobby pins to hold into place.
4. Heart Braid- Divide hair in half, divide again to make two small pig tails and secure with an elastic. Braid each one and secure with another elastic. Using bobby pins, make a heart shape on the back the head, keep working and pinning as you go. Use another elastic at the bottom to 'close the heart'.
5. Crown Braid- Create a side part. As close to the part as possible, begin a french braid. Keep working around the head, french braiding as you go. When you get to the end, secure with an elastic. Bring the end of the braid back to the beginning and tuck it under where you started. Use bobby pins to hold it in place.
And although my models are kids-- some of these are cute on adults too! Try one out this weekend on yourself or your daughter.
- Want more fun hairstyles and fashion ideas? Follow my "Style Inspiration" board by clicking here.

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