
Monogram Garland Wreath and Free DIY Classes

I heard from my bloggy friend Aimee that the Home Depot offers free DIY classes about once a month. So on Thursday night, Afton and I went on a date to try out the "Do It Herself" class and make our own Monogram Garland Wreath.

The classes are designed for women, but Afton was able to join in with some help. The project was to use a Ryobi saw to create a wooden monogram and then decorate it. Here was our inspiration... you can see the full tutorial on how to create this Monogram Garland Wreath on Home Depot's website- just click here.

Image Courtesy of Home Depot
This was my first time using jigsaw- pretty cool.

When the letter was cut, I wrapped it in garland and added a bow. We were thrilled with our finished projects.

The next class is held in January, making a storage unit inspired by Ana White. To find a class near you, visit Home Depot's website and then click on classes. You can find the "Do It Herself" class closest to you. Every lady should know how to use a saw!

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