
TX Pinners Conference 2016

Last week was so busy, but so fun. I attended and taught classes at the Texas Pinners Conference in Arlington. I was approached by my blog friend, Kristen Duke, a long time ago about presenting at the TX Pinners Conference. When I agreed to do it, I really had no idea how big it would really be! I was asked to present two classes, the first one-- a craft from my blog. And the second one-- a craft project for IKEA. (Yes-- that IKEA!!!) I was hesitant, nervous, apprehensive and all the feelings that come when you take your passion and put it on a stage for 100+ to see. But you know what? It all turned out great!

The Pinners Conference kicked off with a VIP party on Thursday night. All presenters were invited to attend and mingle with the VIP Pinners Ticket holders. We were given swag bags, treated to a candy bar, had some munchies, enjoyed live music, played around in a photo booth and met some new and 'old' friends!

The blogger world really is pretty small. Here I am with Whippy Cake (her name is actually Becki) and I have admired her blog and YouTube channel for years. She was a delight!

This is Cara from Maskcara. I think meeting people in person is so much more fun than just through comments on a blog. Everyone was so real and genuine.

And here is my friend Trista Perot of "Mommy Upgrade". She and I met last year when we filmed that commercial with Mohawk Flooring and Laughing Moms. I was so happy she was there. We cheered each other on via texts all weekend. Everyone needs a cheerleader right?

My first presentation was Friday, Sept 9th at 3pm. I taught a class on how to make my infamous "Hashtag Bags". This was a pretty big project to tackle with such a large class. But thanks to my sponsors "DecoArt", "Canvas Corp" and "SEI crafts", we did it!! I learned so much about the logistics of crafting live with 50+ friends and the finished products were adorable.

I loved partnering with my favorite companies for this project. The paint is from Deco Art.The awesome bags are from Canvas Corp. And the iron-on letters are from SEI Crafts. This project is fun to make for yourself or personalize one for a friend.

My Dad and Stepmom came along to help. It takes a village!

On Saturday, I felt more confident after having one day of Pinners Conference under my belt. I was happily surprised to see such a huge crowd on Saturday. And even more excited to find out that my class would be streamed live online. I felt like a crafty rock star.

My new friend Joanna at IKEA was awesome- she helped me coordinate the supplies for the class. And my mom (also a blogger- At Home with Jemma) and Afton came along to be my helping hands.

I had a blast! I shared my Top Ten favorite IKEA hacks for furniture. And then we tackled a little 'IKEA hack' in class. We transformed simple galvanized pots into chic planters with fun washi tape from IKEA. Everyone who came to the class got to take one home for free! (Did you know that IKEA had potted succulents (these are real plants!), adorable potters, and craft supplies-- like washi tape?)

I want to thank Roxanne Bennett, the woman behind Pinners Conference. She has hosted this conference before in Salt Lake, but this was her first time taking it on the road. Pinners will also be hosting events in Phoenix, Atlanta, and Salt Lake over the next few months. Roxanne encouraged me when I thought I was 'too small' to do such a big show. And her conference helped inspire thousands to be crafty, creative and have fun. If you are able, I would definitely recommend you make plans to attend one near you!

My biggest take-away from Pinners Conference is that you never know, until you try! I was nervous to take on this large conference, but I realized that everything I have done in the past prepared me for this weekend. I really love blogging and I am excited to share more of my blog & creativity with people in real life-- not just via the computer screen! If you know of any local women's groups who are looking for presenters/speakers, I am now booking events.

Email me for details- I love sharing my passion for creativity through hands-on craft presentations as well as speaking about blogging and ways for women to pursue the things we are passionate about. It would be so fun to teach your group how to make Hashtag Bags like we did at Pinners! You can reach me at craftytexasgirls@gmail.com.

As always, thank you for supporting me and my craftiness. So many sweet readers came up to me at Pinners and told me they have been following along via social media and reading this blog. Honestly, that was my favorite part of the entire weekend. It's all about personal connections and lifting each other up. Women supporting women!

Hope you have a great week!
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