A talented group of ladies worked together for months to make it all happen. And I am proud to say I got to help with the planning, leading one of the crafts, and serving as the featured speaker. It was a big day!
The retreat started with lunch and a fun 'ice breaker' game. Then everyone say down for dessert and it was my turn to talk. My presentation was about how to connect as mothers and daughters. I shared the story of Martha and Mary and how important it is to make sure the distractions of life do not take our focus away from the 'good parts'. Those good parts are loving Jesus and loving each other. I gave three ways to focus on our daughters and build those relationships-- be creative together, show your love, and have fun! I used examples from my life with my girls (which most of you have seen here!) for ways to be crafty, loving, and silly with our kids.
I have to be honest, it did not go exactly as planned-- see this picture? A few minutes into my 'speech', Maisy began running around the podium and being a a bit disruptive (to the point that I had to plead for her to leave the stage and get help removing her!) Talk about 'keeping it real'! Motherhood is not an easy task!
But I am hoping that even with the bits of chaos, my message resounded with the women in the room. God chose us to be mothers to these girls. And our main goal in life is to raise our daughters with faith and love.
After the speaking part, I showed the group how to make the Flower Crowns. (Click here to see how to make your own DIY Flower Crowns). They were a big hit!
My friend Andrea taught the group how to make these cute "cookie sheet memory boards". This was an awesome craft! We are using ours to display the photo booth pics from the event, plus a sweet "Mother Daughter" prayer.
All in all, it was lovely afternoon and Maisy taught me an important lesson... when it comes to motherhood, nothing ever goes as planned!
To see the Mother Daughter Retreat we hosted last year, click below:

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