
Emoji Photo Booth for the Yahoo Boohoo Breakfast (+ Free Printables)

My sweet girls both started school on Monday. I am officially 'home alone'. I am not quite sure what I will do after I clean house, workout, and walk the dog. Who knows?! But I was about to cry my eyes out on the first day of school.

Thankfully, I was hosting the annual PTA Yahoo Boohoo Breakfast for all the parents, right after drop-off. And nothing makes you forget your 'troubles' like serving others. There were lots of new families and so many of my 'old' favorites.  I am so happy to be serving as Hospitality Chair again and I have a really awesome co-chair and committee that has already made my job so fun!

For the breakfast, we used the decorations from the "Teacher Back to School Luncheon" (see here) and added in lots of tissue boxes/mini tissue packs (for the bohoo) and party blowers (for the yahoo). We also served light munchies. The food included coffee, juice, water, strawberries, mini bananas, mini muffins, and donuts.

I should have taken this photo before everyone ate-- just imagine that all the platters are full of food :) 

I advertised the event with these signs. They were posted around school and on our facebook page.

To help people mingle (and because I love to take party pics!) I made these emoji signs.

They were great conversation starters. I walked around the breakfast and asked people to pick an emoji sign that matched their current mood. Either 'yahoo' or 'boohoo'. (I am a big fan of emojis. I know that I should use 'real words' in my texts but I like to use pictures.)

Getting together with others is the best way to start their school year! (People need people!)

If you would like to use the Emoji signs at your school, 
please feel free to download & print using the link below! 

Yahoo/Boohoo Breakfast Photo Booth Signs:  Click here to print
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