
Old Home Supply

We found an awesome place for vintage home items-- chandeliers, doors, windows, hardware, knobs... basically anything old and cool. It's called Old Home Supply and is located in Ft Worth in the historic Fairmont neighbor.

The place is a collection of several stores, highly organized and clean. 

A visual treat for those of us who love a little rust with our chandeliers. (Have you ever seen such a lovely Chandy?! Maybe I could put that over my soaking tub?) 

These girls take after me when it comes to sparkly. Love it!!! 

We were hunting for an old door to hang in our master bathroom. I fell in love with this photo from Rafterhouse (look them up on Instagram or online) and I think we can recreate this look with one door, since our space is not as wide. 

We found this white door. Although it was fabulous, it was too large. 

So we kept looking--- and we found this beauty. 

So for $125, it was ours! The back is blue. I am planning on stripping the paint and working with the natural wood. I have a general idea how I want it to look, but we'll see where the door takes us. It have been looking online at hardware kits to hang the door. I think something rustic will look amazing. When you slide the door open' it will hang on the wall like art. When it is 'closed' it will provide privacy, but still let light in due to the windows on the top. 

Old is the new new :)

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