
Craft It: Pumpkin Jar Using Glass Etching

I recently got a Silhouette Cameo! Life-changing electronic for a crafty person :) I was a little intimidated at first, but I have been playing around with it and watching some You Tube tutorials. I am getting more comfortable with it and I now have a list of projects that I cannot wait to try. My first Silhouette Cameo craft is this cute Halloween Pumpkin jar.

Using the Silhouette Ethcing kit, I made my own template using the shape designer. Then I cut the designs and followed the DVD tutorial (love that it came with the kit!)
Oh this is just me doing a little 'glass etching' in the messy playroom-- lol! 
The steps were explained well, you just have to be really careful not to get any of the 'etching compound' on the other parts of the jar. Whatever it touches- it will etch! Afton and I did it together. She made her own version of this pumpkin face on a pickle jar :)

The jar can be filled with sweet or spooky treats-- candy corn, m&m's, cookies etc. It would make a fun little Halloween gift for a neighbor. Or pop a candle in it use it to light up the room. I am filling it with orange play dough and sending it to my daughter's preschool.

As an affiliate of Silhouette, I get to share the latest and greatest promotions. Simply go to www.silhouetteamerica.com/glass  and enter the code: TEXAS to receive the promotional discount price shown below. 

Have you made any Halloween crafts yet?

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