Teacher Appreciation is on the calendar officially for the week of May 5th-9th. But our school is celebrating a week early. Since I got a jump on things, I thought I would share some fun ideas with you. Our talented PTA ladies chose the theme "Celebrating Our Super Heroes" for the week of Teacher Appreciation. And I have to say having a theme is the way to go. Parents and kids have been more excited about this week than they were in years past due to this fun theme:)
Our PTA sent home a letter to introduce the theme and share the week's planned events. I love the bright colors and 'comic book' feel of the letter. I also like how the kids get to do a little something each day for their teacher.
It was this letter that sparked my idea to 'sneak' into school after hours and decorate our teacher's door. I saw a few similar things on Pinterest and then I broke out my crayons and drew our teacher as a 'super hero'. The words say "Mrs.Kue You are My Super Hero".
Around the drawing are words to describe her 'super powers'. I used PicMonkey.com to create the words on the door. (Choose 'comic bubbles' to make the descriptive words for the door.) When Mrs. Kue arrives on Monday she will be surprised to see herself as a Super Hero! (Feel free to drag and print any of the images below.)
I sent home a blank sheet of paper for the kids to color and write about our teacher, then they can bring it back to school. I am collecting all the pages and putting them into a 'comic book' for Mrs. Kue. This is the cover that I made for the book using PicMonkey.
I also want to make our super teacher an official cape. The one below is a 'no sew' idea-- just cut up a tshirt, like the ones they have at Hobby Lobby. I think it would be neat to have all the kids sign it and then she can wear it during the week :)
On Tuesday, another mom and I are watching the class, so Mrs. Kue can go to off campus to lunch. While she is gone, I am going to have the kids help make masks. When she returns, I thought it would be cute to get a picture of Mrs. Kue and the kids in the class all wearing super hero masks. (A super hero always has awesome side-kicks!)
I am using this idea to make the masks. Although I am thinking I won't sew them-- just cut them out of felt or maybe even colored paper and then tack the elastic bands on with hot glue.
A few other cute Super Hero Ideas I saw on Pinterest are these lollipops. They would be fun in the teacher's lounge.
Cupcakes topped with Super Hero signs.
A Super Hero Card.
What does your school do to celebrate teacher appreciation week?

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