I am so excited to welcome a new sponsor to Crafty Texas Girls!
In her own words, Jennifer shares about Kelly's Kids...
is my second season selling Kelly's Kids. I fell in love with the Fall
2011 Collection for my son and decided to become a sales rep when I
found out that I was expecting baby #2. I love the traditional clothing
and the ability to mix and match my son and daughter for Holidays,
special occasions and family photos. I actually wore Kelly's Kids as a
baby, toddler and little girl.
Kelly's Kids was started 30 years ago in Louisiana as an in-home business where the founder provided high quality clothes for moms who wanted to mix, match and coordinate the family. This is the core concept behind the Kelly's Kids brand.
Please visit Jennifer's Kelly's Kids website to mix, match, and coordinate your family this fall/winter season!
Find Kelly's Kids on Facebook too!
Jennifer is actually a sorority sister of mine from TCU. We were ZTA's together! Please help me welcome her to Crafty Texas Girls by stopping by her facebook page to say 'hello' and 'like' her page.
What is your favorite outfit from Kelly's Kids this season?

Want to see your business featured here? Reach the best customers on the web by advertising on Crafty Texas Girls. Email me at craftytexasgirls@gmail.com for details. Space is limited!