
Blissdom So Far

Well it's awesome! I have to be honest, at first I kind of felt like a kid being dropped off at camp. Except I drove myself here :). I didn't know anyone and I had to push myself a bit. (You know walk up to strangers, introduce yourself, and tell them how you are living your creative dream through your craft blog-- no big deal right??)

Being a stay at home mom, you get used to talking to the same people day in and day out. Then to make matters even more crazy, my sweet roommate was unable to come due to the flu. So I literally had 'no one'!! That's when I decided to put on my 'best big Texas smile' and make some new friends.

Luckily, friendly faces are easy to come by at BlissDom. And I have met a bunch of amazing creative, enthusiastic women. Including two of my favorite 'big time' bloggers! (Amy Locurto from Living Locurto and Edie from Life in Grace).

My iPhone won't take a charge (perfect since I am at a social media conference right??!) so I am taking horrible ipad photos :) But I am having fun! Lots of inspiring speakers, creative ideas, and practical ideas for growing this blog and my business. More details to come next week! Til then see you on twitter, fb, or Instagram!

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  1. I am so excited for your pictures at Blissdom! I have never been but oh my goodness, I need to book my flight for next year today! :)

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Dang it...I wish I were there. I've been checking twitter to see all the pics...hope you have a great time and can't wait to hear all about it...

  3. Oh Samantha, I've had so much going on right now I'm glad I didn't go, but oh how I would enjoyed going so much. Maybe next year it will be there and my life will be calmer. Have a blast for both of us.

  4. Samantha Dear!
    So excited about your conference!! Thank you for this update-as your Mother and fellow blogger I have wanted to hear all about it!!

  5. Good for you! I hope you have a blast ~ show those girls some great Texas spirit. :)

    You look adorable...as usual.


  6. Aww! LOL! It was so funny to see you taking pics with your ipad, did you ever figure out the charger craziness?

    I'm SO SAD Blissdom is already over, it already feels like so long ago. :(

  7. I loved meeting you!! Hope your phone is working now, friend!! xo


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:) Samantha

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