
On Trend: Letter Boards

Are you on the "Letter Board" trend? I have not bought one--- I just keep pinning them. (So that's pretty much the same thing-- right?) I think letter boards have replaced the chalk board. They are pleasing to the eye, require no fancy hand-lettering skills, and they are easy to use.

I borrowed this one from a teacher at our elementary school. I used it as table decor at the annual PTA Principals and Presidents Breakfast. Each school was asked to decorate their table for the event, so I did our HES one in a rustic theme. The letter board was the perfect addition.

I have collected lots of cute letter board ideas on Pinterest. Click HERE if you want to see them all. These are just a few of my favorites.

Do you have a letter board? I think I would use it all the time in my house to display funny quotes, holiday/birthday messages and of course for entertaining at school and our house. I may have just convinced myself to buy one!

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