Looking for Valentine Ideas?
You are in the right place! Keep reading to see a fun, easy Valentine craft for your kids-"Salt Dough Valentines"! Don't forget to check the sidebar on my site for treats, wreaths, and more Valentine fun.
Click here for a complete list of projects created right here at Crafty Texas Girls.
So more often than not, out comes the Salt Dough!
Since we are headed towards Valentines, I decided to break out the heart cookie cutters and give our Salt Dough game a festive twist. Maisy liked comparing the heart sizes. There is a 'daddy-size, a mommy-size, and a baby-size' in our set.
After setting the dough hearts out to dry, Afton returned home from school and decided she wanted to use them for her class Valentines. So a few days later the girls painted them.
And a few days after that, she wrote on her Valentines. We used the phrases from those candy conversation hearts to help with the messages. Then she signed her name on the back.
Salt Dough Valentines. A new twist on the whole 'make your own' Valentine movement. A fun candy-free option for those who live in a house where Salt Dough is just as popular as Disney Princesses :)
Do you make your own Valentines?

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OOOh, love these! I have been meaning to try a salt dough activity with my girls and looks like Valentine's is the perfect opportunity! Thank you for the idea!