We had a blast- read on to see what we did, where we stayed, and what we ate!
From Dallas, we took a direct flight and landed in Scottsdale at 5pm. We rented a car and drove straight our hotel, the JW Marriott in Camelback Inn. The hotel is beautiful, lots of Southwestern decor. We had a Casita that overlooked Camelback Mountain. We had dinner at the resort restaurant- it was so nice to sit outside and not be bothered by mosquitoes! (Our TX mosquitoes back home are killer in October!) Live music and dry air. It was a good first night.

The next morning, we got up early and had breakfast at the resort, in Rita's Kitchen. Then we walked from the property over to the mountain, it took about 20 minutes to get to the trail head.

If you don't know anything about Echo Trail on Camelback, know this.... it's steep.
Like really steep.
Like climbing with your hands steep.

The thing about Camelback is just when you are sure you can't climb up one more steep rock... you've made it to the top. And you are rewarded with a 360 degree view.
Thumbs up from the birthday boy. Pretty cool was to spend your 42 birthday, climbing up a mountain.
After taking it in, it was time to climb down. I am not sure what was harder. Going up .... or going down. My knees are usually pretty dependable, but they were not enjoying the 'down' climb.
So after we made it down, we showered and drove into Old Scottsdale. In my opinion, Old Scottsdale is oooollllddd. Souvenir shops selling turquoise jewelry and random shirts. But we did find a great patio for lunch "Cold Beers and Cheeseburgers". Then we spent the rest of the afternoon at the resort pool.
That night, we went back to the resort patio restaurant. The food is so good and there is live music. Why go anywhere else?! Dinner was delicious and Jeff even got some birthday cake!
On Saturday, we got up a little later, ate breakfast at the resort and drove to South Mountain! This hike was rated "moderate". Since it was later in the morning, it was more direct sun and warmer temps. But still a good hike. We took Mormon Trail and found some interesting things along the way.
Like Fat Man's Pass - which was a challenge for some people... ha ha!
I think you have to be a girl or child to fit through this pass. It was tight!
The cactus were so cool.
After the hike, we drove back to Old Scottsdale. We followed the sound of live music to this 'hole in the wall' bar, The Rusty Spur. A cold beer after a hike is a good thing. This place is rumored to be the favorite of celebrities like Clint Eastwood and John Wayne.
We finished the day with more pool time and pizza for dinner. The next morning, we caught an 8am flight home.
Our relaxing weekend in Scottsdale was full of hiking, good food, and lots of laughing. If you are looking for a fun place to hike in October, check it out!

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