We used it as a Valentine gift, but I think anyone who works around children would love this gift-- anytime of the year! I put it in a cute bag along with each teacher's favorite candy-- chocolate bar, sour gummy bears etc. I think the teachers loved it!
Maisy and Afton got to help by decorating the hand sanitizer pumps with sticky foam hearts. I found the printable on Simply Sprout. You can download and print it from her site by clicking here.
The other fun thing we did for our teachers on Valentines was this 'Bundt Cake' Bar. The treats are from Nothing Bundt Cakes in Southlake. Parents donated money in $5 increments to help us purchase the bundtini's.
We also served fruit kabobs and popcorn. The printable in the popcorn is from my friends at Lolly Jane. You can download it by clicking here.
Since Valentine's fell on a Wedensday, my husband and I went out the weekend before to Fixe in Fort Worth. It is fancy comfort food- we had biscuits, deviled eggs, fried chicken, kale salad, and a donut for dessert! There is a Fixe in Austin too. If you are near either location, check it out!
The actual night of Valentines, we celebrated at home with our girls. My hubby got us heart shaped pizzas from Papa John's and bundlets from Nothing Bundt Cakes. (That seemed to be the trend for the day!)
I completed the 'love notes' on the doors for my girls. (If you haven't started the hearts on the door tradition, save this idea for next year! Click here for the details. ) And I made them each a coupon book full of sweet treats from me. (You can make your own Valentine's coupons by clicking here.)
Valentine's is such a fun holiday!

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