
Mother's Day Printable: From Your Favorite Child

If you are a mom, then you know, despite what anyone says-- you have a favorite child. You are not 'supposed' to have a favorite child. But you and I both know the truth.

The 'favorite' child is the one who gives you hugs all the time.

The 'favorite' child is the one who tells you look pretty.

The 'favorite' child is the one who helps - without being asked.

The 'favorite' child is the one who asks about your day.

The 'favorite' child is the one who is kind to her sister.

The 'favorite' child is the one who sneaks downstairs at night to give you a 'love note'.

The 'favorite' child is the one who is always happy to see you.

The 'favorite' child is the one who makes you want to be a better person.

The 'favorite' child in my house is actually both of my girls. Because they let me be their Momma. They both bring out the best in me. They are both my favorite because they are both so different, yet so the same, and so also unique. I could spend hours listing the ways that I love them. They have so many wonderful qualities and so many ways that they make me proud each and every day. I am in awe of these two little people. And I cannot believe I get to be their Momma! What an amazing gift. What an amazing job.

And if you are the 'favorite child' in your family... print this cute little tag and put it in a plant for your Mom. The design is via Love the Day and it's free to print by clicking here.

Via Love the Day Blog

Happy Mother's Day to you all. (And remember-- you are someone's favorite too.)

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