
Christmas Decorations: Transitional Style

Fa la la la la.... our tree is up! It is truely the most wonderful time of the year. I love seeing my friend's Christmas trees, looking at Christmas decorations on Pinterest, and swooning over holiday trimmings in my favorite catalogs. There is just something about a beautifully decorated tree in a cozy home.  So today, I thought I would show you mine.  I am calling it "Christmas with the Conners"-- 'transitional' style :)

I have always wanted to include black in my Christmas decor. I know that sounds strange to some. But -- it really is my favorite accent color. So I found a way to make it work!

I think the trick to keeping it from getting to harsh, is to add lots of texture and metallics. And I added a pop of red too- because what is Christmas without a little red? Traditional red Christmas stockings with white fur on top. (Yes those are elves on the stockings. That's where our elves were hiding one of the days that I took these photos- so they had to be included in this post too!)

(Update: Several people have asked...I made the "Merry and Bright" banner myself using a pre-cut banner kit and packaged sticker letters. Click here and here for the supplies. It was super easy! )

The mirror on the mantle is there year round, but the garland and metallic bristle brush trees are just for Christmas. (And I took more photos on another day because of the 'elf situation' from the previous day. But look in the mirror!! She's back! I think that elf is determined to be in as many photos as possible.)

 The day that my kids out-grow this nativity set will be the saddest day ever. Actually, I refuse to ever let that happen... Long live Fisher Price!

My favorite thing about our Christmas decorations this year is that coordinate with my home decor. It seems like I keep editing down my Christmas stash each year --and less is really more.

Well, I say that... But now I feel compelled to show you this photo. You know- just to keep things "really real".

That is a lot of nutcrackers right?! I have been collecting them for year. And there are a few placed throughout the house... But the rest, well- I decided to have them all stand together. My girls are in charge of 'who' gets to stand where.

So although I just told you 'less is more when it comes to Christmas decor' well... that doesn't apply to nutcrackers!

Is your home all cozy with Christmas decor now? Do you have a crazy Christmas collection like my nutcrackers? If so, leave your blog link in the comments below so I can go check it out!

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  1. Happy holiday,

    I'm a nutcracker addict too! Did you make or buy merry or bright banner? If so how or store it was purchased. Really pretty decorations

  2. Thanks Jessy! I made the banner myself. Here are the links to the supplies I used: http://www.michaels.com/recollections-chalkboard-paper-pennant-banners/10313321.html?cm_mmc=plasearch-_-Google-_-PLA-_-10313321&gclid=TeSTer-123



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:) Samantha

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