You know all those things I have pinned (see here) but have never actually gotten around to making. Well I found someone to make them! My kids! Before you laugh, take a took at this DIY Ribbon American Flag my oldest made. It turned out so cute.
To make it: She pulled off the wire part of a hanger and used the brown cardboard piece as the base. Then she threaded twine through the top and tied a knot.
To make the stripes, Afton cut ribbons. She used red grosgrain, red sparkle, and white lace.
The stars and blue portion are a bandana that she cut.
She tied all the red and white pieces on first. She decided it didn't need to be exact- so there are not 13 red stripes here :)
Then she pinned on the blue bandana. The entire project took about 30 minutes. I was so impressed!
Having my children create my 'unexecuted pins' is really a win/win. They are always to wanting to make or bake things-and this momma is really tired of slime recipes and piles of chocolate chip cookies! So this satisfies that need to 'create' and helps keep away "summer boredom blues".
If you or your kids want to try making a DIY Ribbon American Flag here are some supplies similar to the ones Afton used.

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