
Easter is Coming: The Eggmazing Egg Decorator

With Valentines over, we are ready for all the fun that Easter brings! I love the Easter season, it is filled with hope, purity and the promise of new life. There are so many cute crafts and activities that we can do as a family this time of year. One of our favorite traditions is dying Easter eggs. It's a chance for us all to sit around the table and just enjoy being together. Which is why I was so excited when my friend shared with me a new crafty way to decorate Easter eggs!

Have you heard about the Eggmazing Egg Decorator? It was created by a Texan- turned entrepreneur. Before I get any further, I want to clarify that I have no vested interest in this product and I don't get a dime if you buy one! I wasn't given a cent to write this post. I just love the idea that inventors are still alive and kicking today. And I find it so inspiring to know that if you have a creative dream, you can make it happen. Hard work and determination are the best credentials you can have. This video shows how the creator got the idea and turned it into a product.

So I got the Eggmazing from my friend Chris. If you have been reading this blog over the years, you know that I used to have a handmade accessory business. One of my best customers was Chris, the owner of Ella Bella in Southlake. Over the years, we have both ventured off the original path that brought us together. But we have remained friends. Chris now runs a successful photography business and blogs at LifeDigs. She knows how much I love crafty things and when she came across the Eggmazing, she brought me one to try out for fun. As soon as I tried it, I immediately texted her and said "It's awesome. But one problem... if I blog about this.... people will want to order it!"

Why? Because it's fun! You just put the egg into the Eggmazing and use their markers that come in the kit. As the egg spins, the markers create designs. When you are done, turn it off and take the egg out. The best part? The markers dry immediately, so the egg is dry as soon as you are done! It is a mess-free way to creatively decorate Easter eggs. My family and I played with it this afternoon and we loved it (Jeff included). We needed more eggs!

You can add as much or as little color as you want. Maisy liked leaving 'white space' but you could definitely color the entire egg. 

I love supporting small businesses and seeing a dream come together from start to finish. Like I said, I am not being compensated, I just thought this a unique idea and I wanted to share ya'll! You can find out more about how the Eggmazing Egg Decorator was born on their Kickstarter page. Also if you are a Shark Tank fan-- Scott, the inventor, will be pitching his product to the Sharks on February 18th. So tune in and keep your fingers crossed!

If you are interested in ordering one for your family, my friend Chris is helping with sales by offering the Eggmazing on her blog. And because we are old friends- you can get it at a discounted price! 

 The MSRP is $29.99 and $7.95 for shipping.  But for you guys, there is a coupon!  
** Get a $4.99 discount making it only $25. (Use code Pink Egg)

**And if you are local (live in Tarrant County), Chris will waive the shipping and deliver personally. 
(just choose 'free local delivery' when you checkout)

I think this is such an original idea. It brings your family together to do a creative activity, without making a big mess. It's fun family time during the Easter holidays!

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