
Get Started: Tips and Resources for Blogging

Have you ever sat down at your computer and thought, "I would love to blog!"? I know there are lots of 'almost bloggers' out there. This week I have been emailed by three different people wanting to know how to start a blog.

When I began blogging three years ago, I didn't really know what I was doing. My goodness-- we didn't even have Pinterest back then!! (It was pretty much the dark ages.) So I just Googled every single question I had, texted my friend Jordin, emailed some of my favorite BIG bloggers and then just went through trial and error.
How I got started blogging ( the story behind this blog)
But if you are just getting started now, you are in luck. Between a beautiful template, a little research, a lot of passion and some great photography-- you can look like a pro from the 'get-go'. Here's how to get started!
1. Choose a place to blog. Could be WordPress or Blogger... do a little research. 

The Best Blogging Platform

2. Put together an appealing layout-- mine is from Designer Blogs.

Get a pretty blog design
3. Choose a name and if you are ready, buy your domain name. (For example when I bought my domain name it changed from "craftytexasgirls.blogspot.com" to "craftytexasgirls.com")

How and Why to Buy Your Domain Name
4. Get writing. For me, great blogging is about living you life and sharing those stories.
How to Write Something Worth Reading
5. Photos matter. You don't need the best camera. But you need big, bright, well-lit photos. 

Take Better Photos- 31 posts to show you how. 
6. Find a community. Whether you attend a blog conference, email other bloggers, or belong to facebook group. Find others who can help and encourage you. 

What I Wish I Had Known About Blogging
Tips and Tricks for Bloggers
7. Don't be afraid. It won't be perfect. Years later, you'll probably look back and cringe. But don't be afraid to do it. All those mis-steps are an important part of the journey. 

The Do's and Don't of Blogging

14 Do's and Don'ts for Blogging
8. You won't get rich from blogging. Seriously. You won't. But--- blogging can open up amazing opportunities and lead to some awesome experiences. 

Stop Trying to Get Rich Blogging
Some of the BEST behind the scenes advice about blogging from our friends at YHL. 
9. Set aside comparisons. Someone will always have a 'better' blog. That's ok. Everyone, no matter how big or 'famous' feels that way. There is room for all of us. 

What about those Perfect Blogs?
The Secret to A Great Blog
10. Enjoy it. Aren't we lucky that we live in a time when anyone can start a blog for free! Anyone can be 'a published author' in a matter of moments. Seize the day and share your story!

Encouragement for New Bloggers
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**Got a big SLR camera that you don't really know how to use? I admit-- I keep mine on 'auto' most of the time :) Join Photographer Kristen Duke on August 17th for a fun workshop to learn how to use you camera. I will be there, hope you can come too! More info here: http://www.kristendukephotography.com/say-no-to-autothe-workshop/

Sharing this post at: Too Much Time on My Hands  -Home Stories A to Z  -Tatertots and Jello  -The 36th Avenue --Serenity Now -Love of Family and Home -It's Overflowing  -I Should Be Mopping the Floor -Live, Laugh, Rowe

 All photos and text on craftytexasgirls.com are copyright protected. You may not copy entire articles or posts (even with a link) without my express written permission. Email any requests or links used to craftytexasgirls@gmail.com.


  1. Very well written and helpful. Thank you so much for this info and the encouragement. I admit it, looking back on my first posts back in 2010 sometimes is kinda embarrassing, lol! I have always tried to use correct grammar and punctuation, hoping that helps. We all grow & learn about blogging as time goes on, don't we? Smiles :)

  2. Very informative. But, how do you 'get' readership? I post my blog on my FB and a community FB page and have maybe 15 people who signed up via email. I write a nature/gardening/dumb stuff I do blog.

  3. Hi Samantha! Thanks for the great info.! I've just spent the last hour checking out all these great links. :) Lots of good tips! Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Great post and so informative. Wished I knew all this info. before I started blogging!

  5. Thank you for linking my post! These are great tips for new bloggers. I love how you outlined everything step by step.

    And I can certainly relate about cringe worthy older blog posts. I started blogging back in 2004. Needless to say, reading through blog posts I wrote as a teenager is pretty embarrassing. LOL

  6. I sense that I have an afternoon of following all these links coming up ;). thanks for all the tips!

  7. Awesome advice Samantha. Love the part about comparison and getting rich...so true!


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:) Samantha