
Packing Our Bags- It's Disney Time

For Christmas this year, we tried to keep things a bit more simple gift-wise. Instead we wanted to spend our money on a family experience. We wanted to take the girls on a trip to remember. Where do you take two little girls who love princesses and everything Minnie Mouse???

Disney World of course! This will be our second trip to the 'happiest place on Earth' :) We made a trip to Disney World (you can see my post here) a few years ago when Afton was almost five. Maisy was just a baby so she stayed home with my mom.

Flashback Photo: Disney World 2011
Since then, we have been talking and talking about going again. When is the right age to go to Disney World? Will Maisy be big enough to ride and remember everything? Will Afton still love princesses when we go? How we cannot take Maisy now-- she is at the 'princesses are real!' stage!

So after turning it over in our heads, Jeff and I decided that now was indeed the time to go. We had my friend Stephanie from "Happily Ever After Travel" make all the arrangements- for FREE. She booked our meals, took care of all the reservations and even made an entire itinerary for each day. Our special packet includes what rides to get 'fass passes' for, which attractions we must see, and lots of little-know-Disney-secrets too! (Email me for her contact info, Stephanie was awesome and she will plan for your trip for FREE too!)

The biggest challenge for this trip may have been the packing! What does a girl wear to Disney World? How many princess dresses can two girls wear in one week? How can I get everything to fit in our suitcases?!
I happened to be out running errands right before we left when I spied the "Old Navy Kids & Baby Sale". And look what we found! Everything cute that I wanted was on sale- denim skirts, swimsuits, t-shirts, and they have the most adorable Disney t-shirts and dresses. Score!

So as you are reading this now, we are in Florida. Getting autographs from characters, riding the teacups, and soaking in some sunshine. I have a few blog posts scheduled for the week, I am sure you are already loving Cowgirl Up #53- hosted by the talented "Southern Revivals" . And stay tuned for a fun Valentine's post, a look at our Mardi Gras weekend, as well as some updates I have been making to my home decor. With all those posts, I bet you won't even know that I am gone!

If you want to check in and see how our trip is going, you can find me on Instagram or Twitter.

Til then, as Mickey Mouse would say----- "Toodles!!!"
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I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective, and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.


  1. So cute - hope y'all have fun! We are actually going to Disneyland Paris in a coupe weeks and may need to ask my mom to stop by Old Navy for some shirts before she comes over this week :)

  2. So happy for you guys. We try to go to Disneyland every two years and it is such a nice recharge to your family. I always feel closer to my husband and kids afterwards and for that I truly believe it's the happiest place on Earth. Have fun!!

  3. so fun! i love disneyworld and i don't even have kids. hopw you guys have a wonderful time!
    -- jackiejade.blogspot.com

  4. Mickey and I go way back, waaaaaay back. So trust me when I say, "they'll remember".

    Tell the mouse Bliss says hello.


  5. Oh such fun, for such a darling and active family-bring back lots of autographs!


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:) Samantha