
Galentine's Ideas: Celebrate Your Friends

Have you ever heard of Galentine's? If you aren't a fan of the show "Parks and Recreation"- you probably have no idea what Galentine's even is. So here is the quick explanation-- Galentine's Day is held on February 13th and it is the day that you celebrate the love of your lady friends! And whether you are single, married, or 'its complicated'... Galentine's Day is for you!

I have always thought Valentine's Day was pretty much a 'girl holiday' anyway. Which is why Galentine's Day is so perfect-- it's chance to be girly and show your appreciation of those dear friends. Because the love we have for our friends is worth celebrating and it definitely deserves its own day! ;)

What's Galentine's Day??-- click here to the video clip 
So now that you know about Galentine's Day, it's time to plan a little celebration. Below are my top 4 ideas for having the best Galentine's Day ever!


The Truth about Wall Stencils

Ever thought about stenciling a wall? Have you seen those beautiful images on Pinterest and thought- I could totally do that! Well, the truth is... you can. But be warned, stenciling a wall is not an easy task. I just 'survived' my second wall stencil experience. And now I am ready to spill all my "secrets" about this popular DIY trend.

Ready to learn the truth about wall stencils?? Keep reading!


Decorate without Adding Clutter + Pillow Giveaway

Although I am sad to see the holiday season come to an end, there is something wonderful about the emptiness of January. Removing decorations and taking down the lights, my home feels beautifully bare. I love the simplicity of the white winter light and the cleanliness of the new year.

It seems there is a fine line between having enough decor to keep things interesting and over-decorating to the point of clutter. January is the best time to reevaluate what items are adding dimension to your style and what things are simply taking up space.

With your home freshly 'undecorated' after the holidays, consider these three ideas for decorating without adding clutter.