
Bake It: Halloween Cupcakes

Happy Halloween! 

-Pumpkins are carved
-Candy is bought 
-Costumes are ready
-Decorations are up

-Time to bake a yummy treat...  
We whipped up these cupcakes using a box mix
I added an extra egg and a teaspoon of vanilla to jazz up the flavor. 

 Then we decorated the cupcakes with some candy we had in the pantry.
{candy corn, twizzlers, jelly beans etc}
 Regular cupcakes are transformed with these spooky designs.

Now all that's left to do is have fun!  
 Hope you have a wonderful Halloween! 

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Cowgirl Up #39

Welcome to Week 39
The Cowgirl Up! Link Party!
1 Party, 4 Blogs  
Your Host this week is . . .
I've been super busy lately.  One reason is that we just bought a new place close to Mr. CH's office and are building a new house. If you missed the post, you can find it here.  It will look something like the one below.  I'm pinning like crazy, so if you want to see my inspiration boards, you can find the one for the house here and the kitchen one here.

This should keep me busy for awhile.  I started to say "out of trouble" but I"m not sure that would be accurate!  Case in point, Mr. CH has already asked in an accusing sort of way if I was going to start buying stuff for the new house now, although it won't be ready until April or May.  I said, "Of course not," exasperated that he would ask such a ridiculous question... I mean.... the nerve!!!  I continued, "The new house won't be ready for months, and we don't have room to store anything extra."  (To quote George from Seinfeld, "It's not a lie, if YOU believe it.")  And I did believe it... at the time, but to date I have purchased one large mirror, a console and a bookcase for the new house, and maybe a few other things.  #slappingmyownhand.
Here are the features for this week...
Betsy from Coastal Colors found an easy way to transfer a graphic to wood.

From Generation to Generation talked about gathering walnuts
Fancy Frugal Life made me hungry with their homemade noodles.
Chaos in my Casa showed the gradual changes to her dining room
Twigg Studio made deer antlers from straws, for real!!
Ranger 911 has the most darling red cross display
If you were featured, please grab the featured button from my button page 
Now about the party...
You link up on my blog and your link shows up on four blogs.
More exposure, less time.
We are looking for the latest and greatest projects, tutorials, ideas, crafts, recipes, decor, and inspiring stories. Anything that you are proud to show off.
Cowgirl Up! is the link party that saves you time and brings you inspiration. Doesn't get any easier than that!
What blogs will your link appear on? Check us out below!
Linsey with The Farmhouse Porch
Anita with Cedar Hill Ranch
Amanda with The Ivy Cottage Blog
Samantha with Crafty Texas Girls
The four of us are all Texas bloggers, but you don't have to be Texas, country, western, or own horses to participate in Cowgirl Up! You just need that "can-do", cowgirl spirit!

Halloween Traditions

Every year my girls anxiously watch the farm down the road. It is the Hall’s Pumpkin Farm and with it brings the promise of fall, Halloween and fun.

Late in August, just about the time the school year begins, the farmers prep the field and plant the seeds. The hot sun shines down on the dirt and large cascades of water spray from the sprinklers in the evenings. Before long, tiny green sprouts shoot up from the dark soil- and that is when the anticipation begins.

Every inch of growth is a sign that Halloween is getting closer. Large ‘measuring sticks’ are staked into the ground to show the height of the corn. Once it reaches up to 8 feet, it is nearly October and the gates of the farm are opened to the public.

We have taken the girls every year. Maisy was born on October 7th, so her first trip to the pumpkin patch was when she was only one week old. 
Last year, we even had her birthday party there- complete with a hayride and pumpkin party favors.


The Perfect Pumpkin- Ideas for Carving

My daughters have been counting down the days til Halloween. After two trips to the Pumpkin Farm and a whole mantle full of mini-pumpkins, the girls were ready to to create some jack-o-lanterns. So last Friday night, we selected two big pumpkins, spread out some newspaper, broke out the spoons and knives and got down to business.

Over the past month I collected some great ideas for pumpkin carving.


Crafty How-To: DIY Hair Accessory Holder

Texas girls like big bows. SO with that said, we have accumulated a lot of bows over the past six years. Add in the fact that I have two daughters and the fact that I like to make hair accessories... well our 'bow collection' has grown quite large.

The girls' collection had grown so much that it was spread out between two different closets on three hair bow holders and a headband holder! In the mornings, I was running back and forth between their rooms to find just the 'right bow' to complete their outfits.

So as I embarked on the challenge of 'sprucing up their rooms' (I will share the details in another post soon)- I decided to find a better way to organize their bows and such.


Cowgirl Up #38

Welcome to Week 38
The Cowgirl Up! Link Party!
1 Party, 4 Blogs

Your Host this week is . . .
If you haven't checked out my new series, "The Jenny Series:  She's Not A Blogger, but She Should Be!" . . . you are totally missing out!

Check out the lovely little girl's room that she shows us this week!

Okay, everyone!  I have a lot of features for this week . . . and they are all over the board.  From Halloween and Fall to Weddings and Recipes!

Scentsy Scent Trend 2012 Challenge & a Giveaway

You could Win!

A Package Arrived
I was so delighted to find this package on my door-step. Both my girls saw the stars and hoped it would be a gift for them. Turns out- we all ended up enjoying what was inside!

 The fabulous people at Scentsy sent us a new warmer- the "Barista".

Plus the best assortment of Scentsy Bars I have ever smelled!


Bake It: Brown Sugar Banana Bread

 Tastes Like Fall
This past week we didn't make it through our bananas fast enough, so I decided to turn them into banana bread. It has been awhile since I have baked banana bread, I guess because it feels like a 'fall treat' and fall has really just arrived to Texas. I pulled up a recipe from Food.com that I had saved sometime ago and decided to give it a try.

I made a few modifications* to the recipe. I added vanilla, cinnamon, white sugar, and then I sprinkled brown sugar all over the top before baking. This brown sugar topping added a sweet crunch to the top of the bread- and after trying it- I will always add brown sugar to my banana bread.


Crafty How To: Embellished Party Circles

The Party Continues
Our house is still buzzing from our Ballet birthday party. Maisy and Afton both are twirling and re-enacting their dance lesson from Miss Rachel. Thank you to everyone that left sweet comments and emailed me about the party! One of the most asked questions about the party was about the circles I used as cupcake toppers.

Embellished Party Circles
The party circles from Brizee's Boutique were the perfect addition to our celebration. I 'fancied' them up a bit with some crepe paper. Want to make a few of your own? Keep reading!


Cowgirl Up #37

Welcome to Week 37
The Cowgirl Up! Link Party!
1 Party, 4 Blogs

Your Host this week is . . .
Linsey at The Farmhouse Porch

***Warning***I am about to shamelessly self promote my new little ETSY shop. If you wish you may scroll straight down to the party and avoid my commercial. I will keep it super short though, promise.

I am so excited to announce the opening of The Farmhouse Porch ETSY shop

I've got my original oil paintings AND old shabby, farmhouse-y things for sale. 
I would be honored for you to stop by.

Click HERE to see it!

OK, let's get moving right along to the Cowgirl Up party

 First up--- thank you to everyone who entered our Giveaway last week, 
sponsored by Appliance Online
And the winner of the $50 gift card to Amazon.com is 
who left her party comment over at  the Farmhouse Porch. 
Teresa- be on the look-out for an email about how to claim your prize!

My picks from last week's party are...

Homemade pumpkin dog treats by What We Keep. With the price of dog treats being more than I spend on human treats, this recipe is probably healthier for the pup and the pocketbook than store bought!

I really enjoyed looking at the vintage Girl Scout patches shared by Organized Clutter. I just completed training to be a Girl Scout leader this week, and I still have all of my pins and badges from scouting. Good memories...

Vintage Charm by Mimi shared this beautiful shabby bench transformation

Small Home Big Start tempted my tastebuds with this  (lower calorie) crustless pumpkin Pie with Streusel Topping

The The Loud Silence revealed her beautifully refinished buffet. I love it!

And for the grand finale, a kitchen tour by White Lace Cottage,  I am such a fan of her shabby farmhouse style!

Let's see whut-cha got!