
Crafty How To: Headband Holder

Life with girls is an adventure. When I sort laundry, I actually have an entire ‘pink’ load. Any food can be transformed from ‘yucky’ to ‘delicious’ by serving it on china and adding a toothpick. Sparkle nail polish is a must when attending church, school and the gym. But living with a Princess and a “Princess-in-Training” has also taught me some truths about life. If you aren’t lucky enough to rub elbows with royalty on a daily basis- here are the things you need to know. 

1. When you see flowers on the side of the road, stop to pick them. Not only when it is convenient, but anytime. You could be on the highway, it could be raining, or you might even be ‘running late’. These are all minor details, handpicked flowers are essential.

2. The only acceptable attire is a dress. No matter the occasion, nothing makes a girl feel as fancy as a dress. And not just any dress- this dress must of course ‘twirl’!

3. Accessories can never be over-done. If you carry you head high enough, you can pull off a feather boa combined with clip-on earrings, fuzzy purple high heels, three sparkly bracelets, two macaroni necklaces, and a hot pink plastic purse. Confidence is key. 

4. Kisses are like cookies, everyone needs them daily.

5. Make-up doesn’t count unless you can ‘feel’ it. So apply blush liberally and swipe that gloss over you lips until gooey.

6. Daddy is always the prince. No matter who Disney dreams up, no one can compare with Daddy. He picks the best donuts, thinks of the silliest jokes, and always plays the funniest games. When it comes to a dance partner at the ball, Daddy is always picked first.

7. Treasure can be found anywhere, if you are willing to look. Discarded hair clips, lost earrings, and sequins have been discovered under the shelves in Wal-mart and even on the way into a gas station. Keep your eyes open- you never know what will you find!

8. Sometimes you can just tell when a book at the library will be good. Primary indicators are pink covers, purple lettering on the spine or a crown on any of the characters in the illustrations. Even if the ‘words’ on the pages are disappointing, you can always make up your own story.

9. Barbies, Polly Pockets and My Little Ponies can all live happily in the dollhouse. Which just goes to show, no matter how different people seem to be, they can all live in harmony if everyone takes turns in the fancy, gliding elevator. 

10. Appearances can be deceiving. Not only can a small girl be supreme ruler of an entire household, what seems like ‘garbage’ can actually be something fabulous. Learn to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary with a bit of ribbon and hot glue.

Feeling inspired? Wanting to live like royalty? Start here by giving #10 a try. My little royal and I worked with an old oatmeal can, fabric, ribbon and hot glue to create the perfect ‘headband holder’.

Remember truth #3- lots of accessories? If yours are popping out of drawers, you’ll want to try this.

Here is the easy ‘how-to’ for a fancy headband holder.
**Special thanks to this adorable blog for the idea!

Simply empty any remaining oats from the can. Then hot glue fabric of your choice around the can.

After folding down the top and bottom, cut two circles to cover the raw edges. Finally add some ribbon or embellishments like pom-poms trim, sequins or lace. Then put your stretchy and hard headbands on your new creation. And voila- you’ve got yourself a fancy headband holder.

Now that the hair accessories are organized- slip on those plastic high heels and go pick some flowers. You’re never too old to be a Princess! 


  1. What a cute list! We also have a full load of pink, and my Miss Mae is a full on tom-boy and proud of it! Even a tom boy needs some pink in her life, plus mommy has a thing or two (or three...)

    We made a headband holder like this, but did modge podge and scrapbook paper. I never thought of fabric, but that seems like it would be even nicer! We also love that we can store barrettes and bows and stuff inside.

  2. Good idea Laura! Being able to open it for clip storage is smart!

    I'm kinda like you- even without the princesses, I would still have a small load of pink :)

  3. I love the idea of getting the headbands out of the drawer, but we're in a no-headband funk right now. It would be a great way to add some pizazz to their bathroom! I really enjoyed your list--our girls are amazing at finding treasures anywhere too!

  4. Love this idea...I have a large collection of headbands and my husband would definitely appreciate if they weren't all over the sink in the bathroom! I'm tackling this one soon!

    I'd love for you to link up at my new linky party:

    Creative Genius @ http://thecreativepaige.com

  5. Great recreation! That is a great idea! I love it! Thanks for sharing it with {Re}creation Into Something New Wednesdays at Not So Simple Housewife! Hope to see more from you this upcoming Wednesday!

    Kaitlin-The Not So Simple Housewife


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:) Samantha